Source code for run_examples

#!/usr/bin/env python
"""Script for executing code examples on a Raspberry Pi or computer (simulation).

This script allows you to run different code examples on your Raspberry Pi (RPi)
or computer in which case it will make use of the library `SimulRPi`_ which
partly fakes `RPi.GPIO`_.

.. TODO: change URLs for 'SimulRPi.GPIO' to point to the real one

The code examples test different parts of the library ``SimulRPi`` in order to
show what it is capable of simulating from an RPi:

    * Turn on/off LEDs
    * Detect pressed button and perform an action


.. highlight:: console

Once the **SimulRPi** package is `installed`_, you should have access to
the :mod:`run_examples` script::

    $ run_examples -h

    run_examples [-h] [-v] -e EXAMPLE_NUMBER [-m {BOARD,BCM}] [-s]
                 [-l [LED_CHANNEL [LED_CHANNEL ...]]]
                 [-b BUTTON_CHANNEL] [-k KEY_NAME]
                 [-t TOTAL_TIME_BLINKING] [--on TIME_LED_ON]
                 [--off TIME_LED_OFF]

Run the script on the RPi::

    $ run_examples

Run the code for example **#1** on your computer using `SimulRPi.GPIO`_ which
simulates `RPi.GPIO`_: and default values for the options `-l` (channel 10) and
-`-on` (1 second)::

    $ run_examples -s -e 1

.. _installed:
.. _RPi.GPIO:
.. _SimulRPi:
.. _SimulRPi.GPIO:
.. _script's usage: #usage

.. TODO: find if we can load the list of options from a separate file
.. TODO: place default values (? global variables) in a separate file

# TODO: add printing or better logging
import argparse
import time
import traceback

from SimulRPi import __version__
from SimulRPi.mapping import default_channel_to_key_map
from SimulRPi.utils import blink_led, turn_on_led

GPIO = None
DEFAULT_KEY_NAME = default_channel_to_key_map[DEFAULT_BUTTON_CHANNEL]

def _show_msg(msg, channel=None):
        if channel:
            key_name = GPIO.manager.channel_to_key_map[channel]
            msg = msg.format("key '{}'".format(key_name))
        msg = msg.format("button")

def _show_msg_pressed_button(channel):
    _show_msg("\nThe {} was pressed!", channel)

def _show_msg_to_press_key(channel):
    _show_msg("\nPress the {} to exit...", channel)

def _show_msg_to_turn_on(channel):
    _show_msg("\nPress the {} to turn on light ...", channel)

[docs]def ex1_turn_on_led(channel, time_led_on=3): """**Example 1:** Turn ON a LED for some specified time. A LED will be turned on for ``time_led_on`` seconds. Parameters ---------- channel : int Output GPIO channel number based on the numbering system you have specified (`BOARD` or `BCM`). time_led_on : float, optional Time in seconds the LED will stay turned ON. The default value is 3 seconds. """ print("Ex 1: turn ON a LED for {time} second{plural}\n".format( channel=channel, time=time_led_on, plural="s" if time_led_on >= 2 else "" )) GPIO.setup(channel, GPIO.OUT) turn_on_led(channel) time.sleep(time_led_on)
[docs]def ex2_turn_on_many_leds(channels, time_led_on=3): """**Example 2:** Turn ON multiple LEDs for some specified time. All LEDs will be turned on for ``time_led_on`` seconds. Parameters ---------- channels : list List of output GPIO channel numbers based on the numbering system you have specified (`BOARD` or `BCM`). time_led_on : float, optional Time in seconds the LEDs will stay turned ON. The default value is 3 seconds. """ msg = "Ex 2: turn ON {nb_leds} LED{plural1} for a total of {time} " \ "second{plural2}\n".format( nb_leds=len(channels), plural1="s" if len(channels) > 1 else "", time=time_led_on, plural2="s" if time_led_on >= 2 else "") print(msg) for ch in channels: GPIO.setup(ch, GPIO.OUT) turn_on_led(ch) time.sleep(time_led_on)
[docs]def ex3_detect_button(channel): """**Example 3:** Detect if a button is pressed. The function waits for the button to be pressed associated with the given ``channel``. As soon as the button is pressed, a message is printed and the function exits. Parameters ---------- channel : int Input GPIO channel number based on the numbering system you have specified (`BOARD` or `BCM`). .. note:: If the simulation mode is enabled (`-s`), the specified keyboard key will be detected if pressed. The keyboard key can be specified through the command line options `-b` (button channel) or `-k` (the key name, e.g. 'ctrl'). See `script's usage`_. """ msg = "Ex 3: detect if the {key_or_button} [{channel}] is pressed\n".format( key_or_button={}, channel=channel) _show_msg(msg, channel) GPIO.setup(channel, GPIO.IN, pull_up_down=GPIO.PUD_UP) _show_msg_to_press_key(channel) while True: if not GPIO.input(channel): _show_msg_pressed_button(channel) break
[docs]def setup_argparser(): """Setup the argument parser for the command-line script. The script allows you to run a code example on your RPi or on your computer. In the latter case, it will make use of the module `SimulRPi.GPIO`_ which partly fakes `RPi.GPIO`_. Returns ------- args : argparse.Namespace Simple class used by default by ``parse_args()`` to create an object holding attributes and return it [1]_. References ---------- .. [1] `argparse.Namespace <>`_. """ # Setup the parser parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( # usage="%(prog)s [OPTIONS]", # prog=os.path.basename(__file__), description='''\ Run a code example on your Raspberry Pi (RPi) or computer. In the latter case, the script will make use of the library SimulRPi which partly fakes RPi.GPIO and also simulates I/O devices connected to an RPi such as LEDs and push buttons by blinking small circles on the terminal and listening to pressed keyboard keys. ''', formatter_class=argparse.ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter) # =============== # General options # =============== parser.add_argument("-v", "--version", action='version', version='%(prog)s {}'.format(__version__)) parser.add_argument( "-e", type=int, dest="example_number", required=True, help='''The number of the code example you want to run. It is required.''') parser.add_argument( "-m", "--mode", choices=["BOARD", "BCM"], default="BCM", help="Set the numbering system used to identify the I/O pins on an " "RPi. ") parser.add_argument("-s", "--simulation", action="store_true", help="Enable simulation mode, i.e. SimulRPi.GPIO wil " "be used for simulating RPi.GPIO.") parser.add_argument( "-l", type=int, dest="led_channel", default=DEFAULT_LED_CHANNELS, nargs="*", help='''The GPIO channels to be used for LEDs. If an example only requires 1 channel, the first channel from the provided list will be used.''') parser.add_argument( "-b", type=int, default=DEFAULT_BUTTON_CHANNEL, dest="button_channel", help='''The GPIO channel to be used for a push button. The default value is channel 20 which is associated with the key `{}`.'''.format( DEFAULT_KEY_NAME)) parser.add_argument( "-k", default=DEFAULT_KEY_NAME, dest="key_name", help='''The name of the keyboard key associated with the button channel. The name must be one of those recognized by the module `pynput`. See the SimulRPi documentation for a list of valid key names: Example: `alt`, `cmd_r`'''.format( DEFAULT_KEY_NAME)) parser.add_argument( "-t", type=float, default=DEFAULT_TOTAL_TIME_BLINKING, dest="total_time_blinking", help='''Total time in seconds LEDs will be blinking.''') parser.add_argument( "--on", type=float, default=DEFAULT_TIME_LED_ON, dest="time_led_on", help='''Time in seconds the LED will stay turned ON at a time.''') parser.add_argument( "--off", type=float, default=DEFAULT_TIME_LED_OFF, dest="time_led_off", help='''Time in seconds the LED will stay turned OFF at a time.''') return parser.parse_args()
[docs]def main(): """Main entry-point to the script. According to the user's choice of action, the script might run one of the specified code examples. If the simulation flag (`-s`) is used, then the module `SimulRPi.GPIO`_ will be used which partly fakes `RPi.GPIO`_. Notes ----- Only one action at a time can be performed. """ global GPIO, SIMULATION args = setup_argparser() if args.simulation: import SimulRPi.GPIO as GPIO SIMULATION = True print("Simulation mode enabled") if args.key_name != DEFAULT_KEY_NAME: key_channel_map = {args.key_name: args.button_channel} GPIO.setkeymap(key_channel_map) else: import RPi.GPIO as GPIO # Make sure utils uses the correct GPIO module based on whether we are working # with the real GPIO or the fake one (simulation) import SimulRPi.utils as utils utils.GPIO = GPIO # ======= # Actions # ======= retcode = 0 # Set the numbering system used to identify the I/O pins on an RPi modes = {'BOARD': GPIO.BOARD, 'BCM': GPIO.BCM} GPIO.setmode(modes[args.mode.upper()]) try: if args.example_number == 1: ex1_turn_on_led(args.led_channel[0], args.time_led_on) elif args.example_number == 2: ex2_turn_on_many_leds(args.led_channel, args.time_led_on) elif args.example_number == 3: ex3_detect_button(args.button_channel) elif args.example_number == 4: ex4_blink_led(args.led_channel[0], args.total_time_blinking, args.time_led_on, args.time_led_off) elif args.example_number == 5: ex5_blink_led_if_button(args.led_channel[0], args.button_channel, args.total_time_blinking, args.time_led_on, args.time_led_off) else: print("Example # {} not found".format(args.example_number)) except Exception: retcode = 1 traceback.print_exc() except KeyboardInterrupt: # ctrl + c # print("Exiting... ") pass finally: # GPIO.setprinting(False) # time.sleep(0.1) # print("\nExiting...") # print("Cleanup... ") # Cleanup will be performed after each code example's function exists # or when there is an exception (including ctrl+c = KeyboardInterrupt) GPIO.cleanup() return retcode
if __name__ == '__main__': retcode = main() print("\nProgram exited with {}".format(retcode))